It’s funny, many of the 7+ figure entrepreneurs I work with like to argue that since they’ve reached $1M in revenue, they’ve graduated from Survival. They point to their business and say: “Look, you handsome idiot, I have a sustainable, scalable, predictable business. I have a few employees. We’ve got a tight operation here. I’m a leader, not a hustler. I’m free to do whatever I want.”
Of course they say this after they’ve just admitted they’re sleeping four hours per night, are 30+ pounds overweight, and keep interrupting the conversation, saying “Hold on one second, I’m sorry, I just have to check this”—referring to a text or email.
→ Let me be clear: Some entrepreneurs do graduate from hustler to leader organically, by themselves, or they’re wise enough to hire professional coaches & mentors to help them earlier on in their journey. If you’re like my client in the example above, you are not one of them.
Building a sustainable, scalable, predictable business is a necessary condition for creating Freedom and Impact in your business, and is a useful tool for creating Freedom and Impact in your life.
But if you’ve been reading these past few posts and feel captivated because I’m describing the internal state of what it’s like to be you and how it’s manifested in the unhealthy choices you make on a daily basis, then it doesn’t matter if you’re a billionaire, because at the end of the day you are still a hustler living from Survival and haven’t evolved into your Power.
→ This is why very rich people can get caught in the trappings of wealth and busyness; they’re constantly looking to the outside to validate how they should feel inside and are always too “busy” to receive the impact of their work. Successful people aren’t busy. Because busy = imprisoned.
Our conversation began with a deep-dive into Levels 1 and 2 of the modern entrepreneur’s evolution.
Level 3: Freedom & Creation
In review:
- Level 1: Survival
- Major Milestone: $100k
- Level 2: Identity
- Major Milestone: $250k
Leaders are Creators
We live in one of two states of mind: Survival or Creation.
You’re either in emergency Survival mode or Creation mode (growth and repair). You cannot be in both at the same time.
In Survival, there’s no opportunity to go inward, ever, when there’s a perpetual threat around the corner. There’s no opportunity to grow.
Our reality becomes about our body, the environment, and time:
- we obsess about our bodies and what’s wrong;
- we obsess about our environment, our business and the problems in our life;
- and we obsess about time and how there’s never enough of it.
We create problems in our lives so that we can stress ourselves out and fix them.
Freedom comes from within.
Leaders are purposeful. True leaders know their zone of genius and realize that their greatest potential for impact isn’t from being busy. It’s learning to quiet the mind, inhabit stillness, and go within in order to do the lateral thinking required to truly evolve and put a dent in the fucking universe.
When you trust yourself, you are free. When you are free, you are inspired. When you’re inspired, you create. When you create, you lead.
Here’s how to achieve Freedom and unlock your personal Power:
Right now, you know your life would be exponentially better if you started working on any one area of your health and lifestyle.
You are predictably unreliable to follow through with your greater commitments, however, because you’re caught in Survival mode, which has you hustling inside your business instead of evolving into a true leader and influencer.
Not only do you need a complete system overhaul to help you get out of your own way and start reversing some of your unhealthiest habits, but you need an exact method that you can trust and follow without having to disrupt everything all at once in order to be successful. That sort of absolutist approach does not work when it comes to habit change and lifestyle redesign, especially when you have so much at stake.
You need a progressive process to successfully implement the new strategies you’ll be learning through practice, feedback, mistakes, and iteration—without having to “get it right” all at once. In time, you’ll fully adopt these new modes of thinking, acting, and being.
Most importantly, you need to learn how to fully trust yourself again.
At the root of all of your pains and problems is a Self-Trust Deficiency. As hard as it is to admit, you don’t trust yourself to follow through on commitments. When it comes to making lifestyle changes, you feel out of alignment with your intentions, your thoughts, and your actions.
Trust = Freedom = Creation = Leadership
Success is a skill that you practice and develop over time. When you learn how to trust yourself, you’ll have the freedom to create a life and business on your terms, acting with purpose and power in everything you do, thereby being the leader you know you are.
That’s where I come in. Since you don’t fully trust yourself in this area of your life—yet—you need someone you can trust. At the beginning of the book, I offered an analogy: if your life was a business, you’d need a COO to step in and free you up to be an effective CEO.
In the rest of this book, I will I teach you my entire approach to self-mastery, health optimization and lifestyle design—the first and only of its kind that’s been created for successful entrepreneurs at the six to seven figure range.
My hope is that by having built such an extensive case for you up until this point, I’ve earned your trust. From there, you’ll be more open to implement some of my suggestions.
→ There’s nothing like the real thing, of course. When I work with my clients, I provide the deep coaching and radical accountability you desperately need to help you break free from the current paradigm within which you’re living.
Transformational coaching is the single greatest tool to get you from where you are to where you want to be. It’s the secret weapon you haven’t yet experienced. To see what’s possible, click here.
When you put Evolved Entrepreneur’s Operating System(EE/OS) to work, you will accomplish unprecedented levels of health, success, and growth in your life—just as my clients have been doing for years.