Most businesses are chaotic: there are no systems, rules, schedules or protocols.
Business owners usually lead by trying to answer: “What’s urgent right now?” or “How can I create money IMMEDIATELY?”
Often, the same problems you’re experiencing within yourself, you’re also experiencing with your business. This is not a coincidence. Because this is a leadership problem. The two are one and the same.
If you’re like most entrepreneurs earning between six and seven figures, you’re probably experiencing one or more of six common pains:
#1. Lack of Control
You don’t have enough control of your time, your energy, or your choices. Instead of controlling the business, the business is controlling you.
You make choices in life purely to support the business, often sacrificing basic human needs and personal relationships to get stuff done.
You frequently self-sabotage—like eat junk food, chase sugar, binge on Netflix, binge on social media, drink, etc. etc.—because it feels good in the moment, relieves your stress, and is the only way you know how to “let loose” or “take the pressure off.”
#2. Lack of Consistency
The lack of structure in your life makes for a 24/7 emotional rollercoaster. Even though you tell yourself you do, your behaviors prove that you have no set bedtime, no morning routine, and no daily/weekly habits that keep you anchored to your intentions.
You frequently sleep past your alarm after spending another night glued to the computer, eating crap, drinking caffeine and scrolling through Facebook.
You are often rushed, let down, and anxious because the day always seems to get away from you while your To-Do list is growing. You further sacrifice personal routines to put fires out.
#3. Nothing is Working
You’ve tried various strategies and quick-fix solutions—like going on diets, hiring personal trainers, and buying self-help books. None have worked for long and now you’re disillusioned by new initiatives. You’re spinning your wheels about what to do and probably feeling a bit hopeless.
#4. Profit
Simply put, there’s not enough:
…There’s never enough space to think.
…There’s never enough money.
…There’s never enough time to do the things you really care about.
Even when you’re not working, you can’t shut it down. It’s often a mental struggle to even “allow yourself” to go out on a Saturday night. You are living in a world of scarcity, even though you desire abundance.
#5. People
You’re frustrated with your team members, partners, service providers, clients
and customers. They don’t seem to listen or follow through with their actions, and they’re always nagging you for something. You’re upset with your friends and family. They don’t understand the pressures of being an entrepreneur, the unbelievable weight of responsibility.
People are unreliable and you’re better off alone, you believe.
#6. Growth
The energy has died. That exhilarating, intoxicating feeling of personal growth you felt when you started your entrepreneurial journey has stopped. No matter what you do, you can’t seem to get it back. You feel overwhelmed and unsure what it means.
So what’s holding you back? And what are you going to do about it?
If you’re a leader and feeling overwhelmed, unhealthy, and out of sync with yourself—and you’re NOT committed to working on yourself—then how can you expect things to change in your business, when you are the root cause of its problems?
That’s not a judgment, by the way—there’s nothing wrong or broken or stupid or failed about YOU.
You simply need a new system that would have you succeeding in mastering yourself—from which springs your business.
Believe me—There is nothing about yourself that you cannot learn to control and master.
I’ll ask again: So what’s holding you back? And what are you going to do about it?